Our Services

Our practice performs a wide variety of services to help you get the smile you deserve. By leveraging today's advanced techniques and technology, we can restore your beautiful smile to help you maintain your youthful appearance. Whether you need to get a tooth filled, have crooked teeth, or need a complete smile makeover, we can offer a treatment plan that's right for you. Read below to learn more about some of the procedures we offer.



Cleaning and Prevention

Routine dental cleanings are important to maintain good oral hygiene by removing mineralized plaque. Cleaning once every six months is recommended.


Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers

If you have a damaged or decayed tooth, our dentists can help you choose the best solution. Crowns and bridges are custom-fitted tooth prosthetics that function and look like natural, healthy teeth.



Used to prevent the spread of tooth decay or correct any cosmetic damage, a filling is one of the ways our dentists preserve your health.


Exams and Xrays

The Academy of General Dentistry recommends twice yearly checkups for people of all ages. At this frequency, most problems can be caught while they remain in an early stage.


Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is treatment used to repair and save a tooth that has been infected due to a deep cavity or cracked tooth. 


Invisible Alignment

There are various ways to correct crooked or crowded teeth without the use of traditional braces.



Our dentists make every effort to preserve your natural teeth. However, extractions are necessary when decay has made the tooth unsalvageable or when you have an advanced periodontal disease.



Dental implants are becoming an increasingly popular method for replacing missing teeth. Dental implants are not only used for
individual tooth replacement, but can also be used when replacing multiple teeth as an alternative to dentures.

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Teeth Whitening

Our teeth can discolor through the years as our enamel wears down. The wearing down of enamel allows dentin, a yellow color substance that makes the core of our teeth, to show through.  We can help reverse it.